Are you a backyard chicken owner? I have to admit they are a lot of fun! But with that fun, there comes responsibility. I have learned a lot about raising chickens, but the most important thing is to keep them well and healthy.
Lavender Lullabies
When I raised Birdie, I had three young chickens and Birdie was four months younger. I was not told you should not raise one chicken alone, and Birdie was too small to be with the others. They are very social animals, and Birdie would cry for me constantly. A friend of mine discovered if we put Birdie in a bowl with a blanket, she would feel more comforted. I could easily transfer the bowl to her cage once she fell asleep, but it would take hours for her to fall asleep! One night I was tired, and I put a couple drops of Lavender on her blanket. There wasn’t a peep again that night. After that, every night, she snuggled into her blanket and rested soundly.

Helichrysum at the Sight of Blood
One disturbing aspect of chickens is when they see blood, they peck at it. They will continue to peck at another hurt bird, and it does not stop. This is when Helichrysum comes to the rescue! I put a diluted drop on the cut, and once the bleeding stops, they can return to the flock.
Oregano Daily
Oregano essential oil is an antibiotic and anti-inflamatory that can help fight infections and strengthens the immune system. I combine one drop of Oregano and a gallon of water for the chickens regularly, and I also offer another gallon of clean water.

Just like humans, essential oils can assist with the healthy lifestyle of chickens too! I love my girls, so I will continue to use essential oils with them when needed. Remember, for all pets, always dilute the oils before applying.
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