About Me

๐Ÿ’œ Animals, Running, Hiking, Farming, Traveling & Creating ๐Ÿ’œ

Today’s world has become ugly, and social media provides a source of hate, aggression, and new forms of bullying. As a bullied child, I am not all smiles all the time. I actually struggle through life quite frequently and find myself lost at times. I am always searching for happiness in my own unique way and find it by clinging to the things that I love in life. I hope that you find inspiration in my stories, and that it encourages you to seek happiness of your own source and enjoy life to the fullest!

seek and enjoy.

My Inspiration

Rock n' Roll Marathon
After breaking my hip and having three major surgeries, I completed a full marathon in 2014 at the age of 34. My time was 4 hours, 35 minutes and 37 seconds. This was my fastest run at 10:24 minute miles and still is today.

If there was one thing that stood out about me, it would be my pets. I love each and every one of them as if they were my own children and would do anything for them to be happy and healthy. I have been this way since I was young. I would catch caterpillars with my bare hands, even the stinging kind, and keep them to watch the chrysalis formation and emerge as butterflies. At one time, I had a pet toad in an aquarium and would feed him flies daily. My mother told me I should let the poor thing go, so I did reluctantly. He remained in our garden, and I continued to care for him and bring him treats for years. I had a rabbit soon after that I let run the yard for days, and she would borough in the cold dirt during hot summers. I formed the opinion early in my youth that animals should be let out to flourish and caging is not a life for them.

A few years ago, I took the plunge into the backyard chicken world without a clue on how to care for them. I am now hooked, like so many others, and our vegetable and herb gardens have flourished from it. Each chicken has her own personality, and some are quite funny at times. Since getting the chickens, our backyard has become our haven and spend most evenings and weekends watching the chickens free range, working in the garden, or grilling on the deck.

While we are not in our backyard, I am running. I broke my hip at 15 in a car accident and was incapacitated from an active lifestyle for years. There were days when I did not get out of bed due to the inflammation and my body rejecting the metal rod and plate. After three corrective surgeries, at 28 I was able to be active again and found the love for running. Since then I have completed one marathon and eight half marathons. This past year, I took my races to the road and traveled to Kentucky and North Carolina.

Traveling more has been my new goal as I reach midlife. When I was younger, my mom and step dad took us on road trips during the summer. We did not have much money growing up, but my step dad drove across half of the United States. My bucket list as I get older is to visit every state. Since I have been to some that my boyfriend has not, and visa versa, we will be starting over! I would also like to experience other countries and cultures.

๐Ÿ’š Hope you join me on my adventures and create some of your own! ๐Ÿ’š

Find something you
     love and don’t let go.