Category: Florence / Firenza

  • A Second Chance at Florence (Firenze)

    A Second Chance at Florence (Firenze)

    When I think back at Florence, I am grateful for what I was able to see in so little time. Now that I have experienced the “must-see” list of Florence, I would like to see a more relaxed version.

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  • Getting Around Italy (Italia)

    Getting Around Italy (Italia)

    Renting a car makes getting around much easier, but the windy narrow roads and bold Italian drivers can make it very stressful. Keep reading for other safer and less stressful ways to travel Italy.

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  • A Day in Florence (Firenze)

    A Day in Florence (Firenze)

    If you don’t have much time to spend in the city of Florence, don’t worry, everything is close and in walking distance. I did a lot of research of what should be seen (or what I found to be the most important) and calculated what we could fit in a day without exhausting ourselves.

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