Category: Lazio

  • Getting Around Italy (Italia)

    Getting Around Italy (Italia)

    Renting a car makes getting around much easier, but the windy narrow roads and bold Italian drivers can make it very stressful. Keep reading for other safer and less stressful ways to travel Italy.

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  • Ancient Roman & Renaissance Wonders of Rome (Roma)

    Ancient Roman & Renaissance Wonders of Rome (Roma)

    Everyone knows of this three-tiered, travertine-stoned amphitheater and its legendary stories of the gladiators, but adjacent to the Colosseum is the Roman Forum you must visit. Also, flock to the Vatican to see the Sistine Chapel and Michealangelo’s amazing work.

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  • A Walk Around Rome (Roma)

    A Walk Around Rome (Roma)

    There is so much to be seen around the central section of Rome, also known as Municipio I. You can see it all in one day, while devoting a separate day or two to the ancient monuments and the Vatican City.

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